Anesthetic Services

Anesthesia –
a Bridge To Improve Oral Health

Office-based anesthesia can be an ideal way to complete treatment in the comfort of your own office without referring elsewhere. By treating patients in your office, you can continue to work efficiently and to your practice standards.

If you have any questions about a patient or case, please reach out to Dr. Lenz to discuss!

Minimal Sedation

Some patients do well with mild sedation. Using only one or two medications, this reduces a patient’s apprehension towards their dental treatment and may be the right option for certain people.

IV Moderate (Conscious) Sedation

A good option for patients who are anxious about their procedure but are not good candidates for general anesthesia. A good choice for patients with a more complex medical history and/or who elect for some anxiolysis and amnesia instead of deep sedation. Referred to as “conscious” sedation or “twilight sleep” because the patient is drowsy and relaxed, but still able to respond to verbal commands throughout the appointment.

Intubated General Anesthesia

General anesthesia where the patient is fully asleep. Once asleep, a breathing tube is placed to secure the airway and keep the patient safe and breathing throughout the procedure. The patient remains still and is completely unaware of the procedure. This is a great, safe option for certain patients and procedures.

Open Airway Anesthesia

Similar depth of anesthesia as an intubated case, however no breathing tube is placed in the airway. The airway remains open and specific techniques are utilized to shield fluid and debris from obstructing the patient’s airway and ability to breathe. This can be a safe option for certain procedures and appropriate patients.

Work With Great Lakes Ambulatory Anesthesia!

Work more efficiently while providing maximum comfort and safety to your patients. Contact us to inquire how we can facilitate patient care with our dental anesthesia services in your office!

Call us at 262-865-8116 or fill in the contact form to learn more on how we can work with your dental office in providing mobile dental anesthesia!